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Welcome To Confession Corner

Welcome to Confession Corner.

A place where you can share your thoughts and feelings without revealing your identity. Here, you're free to express yourself openly, unburden your heart, and connect with others who understand. Join our community as we support each other through life's ups and downs, finding comfort in knowing we're not alone.

Don't hesitate to confess your deepest secrets or traumas. Your identity is kept confidential and your thoughts are safe with us.

Confession Corner is your safe space for sharing and belonging.


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Emotional Quotes


Thought Of The Day


Motivational Quotes

Confess Freely at Our
Confessions Corner

A space for anonymous expression and shared reflections. Embrace the freedom to share your thoughts, unburden your heart, and discover a supportive community as we navigate life's complexities together.


Confession 1

I’m married for 8 months and I’m a doctor. I had to marry this guy because of my late mother but I already loved someone else still I decided to sacrifice my love and marry him and be a good wife to him. When time passed I discovered the guy’s parents are obsessed with him and the guy went back to Australia after marriage. He daily shares everything with his parents about me. I tried to love him but I cant because whenever I asked my monthly pocket money he always made excuses that made me rude to him. Everytime I want something for me he asks his parents even though he is independent and denies. He thinks I’m from a poor family and that is why his mother always tell him that I will spend all his money. I cannot live like this. I’m not allowed to do job also. He is in Australia I’m in india waiting for my visa. This has affected my mental health as his mother taunts me about my family and controls her son properly. I really wanna breakfree from this marriage but I’m confused if this is the right decision or not? I’ve tried my best to talk to him but nothing works...

-23th November 2023

Today's Thought:
Thought of the Day

Thought Of The Day

" Aim to be a masterpiece, not a copy; authenticity will set you apart."

Frequently Asked

Welcome to Confession Corner, where you can share your deepest secrets with confidence. Rest assured, your secrets are secure, and your identity remains anonymous. Our platform provides a safe space for you to unburden yourself and find solace in knowing you're not alone.

We prioritize your privacy and security. Your confessions are encrypted and stored securely, accessible only to authorized personnel.

Absolutely. We don't collect any personal information during anonymous confessions. Your identity remains confidential, ensuring a safe and judgment-free space.

Confessions are typically reviewed and posted within a short timeframe, usually within 24 to 48 hours of submission. However, please note that this timeframe may vary depending on the volume of submissions.

Absolutely. My commitment to your trust is paramount. Your confessions are never shared, disclosed, or used for any purpose other than providing a safe space for expression.

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"Share Your Burdens, Unburden Your Heart, Confess Freely Today"